Gamelan concert/conference

Event type
Musée du Quai Branly, Paris
EASA 2012 Conference

This evening will offer a concert/conference on the Javanese gamelan ensemble Sekar Wangi (“Fragrant Flower”). The pieces which will be presented are from the repertoires of klenengan (concert music), tari (dance) and wayang kulit (shadow puppet theatre). I will sing (sindhenan) and play drums (ciblon and kendang).

In-between the performance moments, Gilles Delebarre and I, will bring out some aspects related to the teaching and performing Javanese gamelan in France.

The concert is part of the EASA 2012 conference, and kindly sponsored by the French Society for Ethnomusicology.

Musical project
Javanese gamelan
Playing, singing and teaching Javanese Gamelan